Specialist Solutions
The UK pensions administration landscape is changing everyday; we deliver client initiatives aligned to your strategic goals at the same time as managing you through regulatory change.
Our business is structured for growth. No matter the size or complexity of the project, we have specialist teams to support and guide you.

Supporting clients as they de-risk DB schemes and progress on a journey to wind-up.
Assessing and resolving gaps in data to ensure that benefits can be accurately recorded and administered.
Calculating and implementing equalised GMPs for all member and policyholder types, including historic transfers out.
Our dashboard solution ensures that our clients can meet their Dashboard requirements, from finding members to providing ERI values.
Leveraging the demographical and process data we hold to identify trends in behaviour and support future planning.
Combining digital tools with traditional methods of communication.
A suite of tools to educate your members and policyholders on their pension journeys, simplifying complex issues.