Dependent Eligibility Verification Services
Ensure the eligibility of dependents for benefits coverage to prevent ineligible dependents from receiving benefits.
Manage costs and uphold the integrity of your benefits program.

The average annual gross incurred medical cost per dependent exceeds $6,860 with 3% - 10% dependents removed.
Mitigate legal risks and ensure compliance with eligibility verification. Uphold fiduciary responsibility to adhere to plan and enrollment provisions.
Promote understanding of group health plan eligibility, fostering employee accountability for benefit elections.
Reduce coverage concerns for ineligible dependents by minimizing insurer and stop-loss carrier refusals of medical expenses.
Identify and reduce the risk of tax reporting violations.
Manage the impact on financial controls and anti-fraud measures in accordance with Sarbanes-Oxley.
- Typically, 3% - 10% of dependents are identified as ineligible and removed as a result of an audit
- Upon notification of an audit, approximately 2% of employees self-identify as carrying an ineligible dependent on the plan
- Our clients typically experience 2,000% - 5,000% ROI